martes: Bell ringer: Sub note from jueves y viernes.
Lesson: Afterwards, we will work with the list of Adjetivos and Colores.
Luego, we will do picture identification for a grade using the adjectives and rules of agreement. You will have an opportunity for extra credit doing this.
Español II: Trabajando con 'Ir', Uds. van a escribir cinco oraciones diciéndome que van a hacer en el futuro.
Después, Uds. van a cambiar las oraciones a la forma de las tercera persona.
***Necesitan estas oraciones para la actividad de mañana.
HW: nada, estudien
Reminders: Early out next jueves.
Sub next viernes.
Lesson: Afterwards, we will work with the list of Adjetivos and Colores.
Luego, we will do picture identification for a grade using the adjectives and rules of agreement. You will have an opportunity for extra credit doing this.
Español II: Trabajando con 'Ir', Uds. van a escribir cinco oraciones diciéndome que van a hacer en el futuro.
Después, Uds. van a cambiar las oraciones a la forma de las tercera persona.
***Necesitan estas oraciones para la actividad de mañana.
HW: nada, estudien
Reminders: Early out next jueves.
Sub next viernes.
miércoles: Bell ringer: Today, you will need to have your list for the activity planned y study it for diez minutos.
Lesson: Then, we will take the prueba de los Adjetivos de Descripción.
Luego, using your best acting skills, you will draw an adjective from a cup. Not showing anyone, you must determine how you will act out your adjective. When estudiantes raise their hands, you will pick on them to see if your acting paid off. You will be graded on accuracy and the ability to convey your message according to charade rules. You can get extra credit once for guessing.
Español II: Using the sentences from ayer, we will change the format of those and create questions with the ones you did the day before. Some students will have to answer the ones that are written on the board.
Después, we will do picture ID for a grade with iPhoto based on the adjetivos de descripción.
Reminders: Early out next jueves.
Lesson: Then, we will take the prueba de los Adjetivos de Descripción.
Luego, using your best acting skills, you will draw an adjective from a cup. Not showing anyone, you must determine how you will act out your adjective. When estudiantes raise their hands, you will pick on them to see if your acting paid off. You will be graded on accuracy and the ability to convey your message according to charade rules. You can get extra credit once for guessing.
Español II: Using the sentences from ayer, we will change the format of those and create questions with the ones you did the day before. Some students will have to answer the ones that are written on the board.
Después, we will do picture ID for a grade with iPhoto based on the adjetivos de descripción.
Reminders: Early out next jueves.
Sub next viernes.
jueves: Bell ringer: If you did not get to do your charade yesterday, you will go today at the beginning of class.
Lesson: Primero, we will finish the charades not finished yesterday.
Then, we will move into a new realm of español en la sección de gramática.
We will cover the Personal (Subject) Pronouns.
Español II: Primero, vamos a terminar el repaso con iPhoto de los adjetivos descriptivos.
Después, Uds. van a copiar las Emociones.
Si tenemos tiempo, vamos a comparar Ser y Estar incluyendo los gerundios con el progresivo.
HW: You have to draw a face on non-lined paper depicting each of the emotions taken today in your vocabnotes. This is due mañana.
Reminders: Early out next jueves.
Lesson: Primero, we will finish the charades not finished yesterday.
Then, we will move into a new realm of español en la sección de gramática.
We will cover the Personal (Subject) Pronouns.
Español II: Primero, vamos a terminar el repaso con iPhoto de los adjetivos descriptivos.
Después, Uds. van a copiar las Emociones.
Si tenemos tiempo, vamos a comparar Ser y Estar incluyendo los gerundios con el progresivo.
HW: You have to draw a face on non-lined paper depicting each of the emotions taken today in your vocabnotes. This is due mañana.
Reminders: Early out next jueves.
Sub next viernes.
viernes: Bell ringer: Humor Friday
Lesson: Hoy, we will review Los Pronombres Personales.
Afterwards, we will learn about 'Ser' and its conjugations that coincide with the personal pronouns.
Once we do that, we will practice the conjugations with a memorization technique.
Then, we will go over the rules of 'Ser'.
Español II: We will continue withe the repaso of 'Ser' and its reglas, conjugaciones, y la práctica.
We will watch a video on YouTube about Ser Vs. Estar.
HW: None
Reminders: Early out next jueves.
Lesson: Hoy, we will review Los Pronombres Personales.
Afterwards, we will learn about 'Ser' and its conjugations that coincide with the personal pronouns.
Once we do that, we will practice the conjugations with a memorization technique.
Then, we will go over the rules of 'Ser'.
Español II: We will continue withe the repaso of 'Ser' and its reglas, conjugaciones, y la práctica.
We will watch a video on YouTube about Ser Vs. Estar.
HW: None
Reminders: Early out next jueves.
Sub next viernes.
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