Wednesday, December 11, 2013

el 9-13 de diciembre del 2013

lunes:  Bell Ringer

LecciónWe verified that everyone had their vocabulary.
 In addition, we practiced orally how to say what students liked by identifying a picture on iPhoto. This was for a grade.



martesBell Ringer




miércolesBell Ringer: Copien las siguientes preguntas.

1. ¿Qué te gusta comer?
2. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
3. ¿Cuál (el) programa de televisión te gusta más?
4. ¿Cuáles deportes te gustan?
5. ¿Te gustan las hamburguesas de McDonald's?
6. ¿Cuáles te gustan más, los videojuegos o los juegos de mesa?


Tarea: You need to cut out ten things from either a magazine/newspapers, clipart or pics from the computer of diez items you like. Then, you need to cut out diez for things you don't like for a total of veinte.
Put them all on una hoja de papel. Solo la frente de la hoja.
You have to escribir the sentence under the foto en español.
Try to limit yourself to words you have already learned en clase. The diccionario can be peligroso.


juevesBell Ringer: Traduce la siguiente:





viernesBell Ringer





martes: Today, we took notes over 'Gustar' after we wrote 3 sentences for a bell ringer. After the sentences were written, students came and typed one sentence on the computer for everyone to see.

miércoles: Today's lesson was to work with the formation of questions. This was in different formats based on the sentences done on Tuesday.

jueves: Hoy, we are going to work with the verb 'gustar' again. This time, we are getting ready for an interview conducted by the teacher and other students.

viernes: Para la lección de hoy, the students are going to interview each other about their likes and dislikes. Also, we are going to cantar the song "El Señor Don Gato". Si we have tiempo, we will escribir cartas a Papa Noel.

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