Thursday, May 22, 2014

el 22 de mayo del 2014

Nani C. = Carne guisada = Wes
Rosie = tostones = Cameron
= boiled yucca or yautía = Irvin
Pearline = habichuelas (frijoles a la charra) = Jimmy
Brandon = horchata = Mi’Kiara
Isaiah= mofongo = Yana
Tay = Aguas frescas de coco = X’Zavier
Troy= Aguas frescas de sandía = Jayonn
Esme = enchiladas de pollo = Taylor
Carlos= flan = Priscilla
Gemma = tres leches = Adreanna
Kamryn = arroz con gandules = Briana D.
Trajan = Enchiladas de res = O’shea
= frijoles revueltos = Caitlin
Brian = churros = Briana B.
Rudy = guacamole = Milan
Caleb = tembleque = Ethan
Victor = arroz con dulce = McKenna
Gregorio = budín = Jamari
Dee = empanadas de res = Nani H.
Noah S.= tacos con Carne de res = Frederick
Trent = arroz con pollo = Bryan
James = buñuelos = Angelina
Alex = carne con chile = Shannon
= carnitas = Kyleigh
= carne asada = Sedderian
= escabeche = Tany
= agua fresca de fresas = Kayla

1st sentence = State name in Spanish in a full, complete sentence.
2nd = Introduce dish.
3rd = I made this with main ingredients.
4th = Opinion if you like it or not and why.
5th = If you want to make it again and why

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

el 6 de mayo del 2014


Albums due 5/8
Pictures due 5/15
Sentences en español due 5/22
Project due 5/29

All checkpoints count for non-droppable formatives.
They are also 6 points of the final grade.

The remaining points are as follows:

25 = Creativity
30 = Neatness
  9 = Embellishments
30 = Grammar
  6 = Checkpoints
  0 = Extra Mile (dependent on how far your mile goes)
100 = Total

Monday, May 5, 2014

el 5 de mayo de 2014

El Proyecto Final

Due May 29

Yo Era Así Cuando Era Joven...

You are to create a scrapbook of your youth until present.
In this scrapbook, you will have actual pictures of yourself.
These pictures start when you were born until present.
For each of these pictures, you will have a caption in Spanish describing the details of the picture.
This must be neatly done.
You will be graded on that neatness along with creativity, accuracy of grammar and vocabulary, as well as completion on all parts.
You must present this in a book/scrapbook format.
You have a minimum of 24 pages to complete.
You must have the following tenses used:
*Three of the Imperfect.
*Three of the Preterite.
*Three of the Affirmative 'Tú' commands.
*Three of the Negative 'Tú' commands.
*Three of the Ud. Commands.
*Three of the Uds. Commands.
*Three of the Present tense.
*One of the Simple Future.
*One of the Present Progressive.
*One of the Future Tense.