Monday, October 21, 2013

el 21-25 de octubre, 2013

I am trying a new format for the Spanish Blog. Let's see if this will work better on time. It will be edited daily to add what is needed for the day.

lunes: Bell ringer: Translate these words:
1. Hallway
2. Art
3. Lesson
4. Exam/Test
5. Female Librarian
Then, tell what gender for all of them. (1-5)
Then, pluralize all of them. (1-5)

Lesson: The students will receive a worksheets based on the grammar notes over the pluralization of nouns and the rules of masculine versus feminine rules for nouns. The same as the warm-up.

Español II: You all are going to do worksheets with CHOPS verbs as well as Stem-Changing verbs. They are due at the end of the period.

HW: "Pollito/Chicken" song starts mañana.

Reminders: Quiz on jueves over 1-40 vocab words from the 'En la Escuela' unit.

martes: Bell ringer: ....Sub note

Lesson: Hoy, we copy notes over Descriptive Adjectives. We will translate  them.

Español II: We will review the verbo Gustar.
Then, we will do a team card activity using the components of Gustar.

HW: Finish the sheets not done yesterday with the sub.

Reminders: "Pollito/Chicken" song continues.

miércoles: Bell ringer: We will finish the Adjetivos notes.

Lesson: We will finish translating the vocab and go over ways to help remember certain ones and common misspellings in Spanish and English along with common mispronunciations.
If time permits, we will review the notes over pluralization, definite articles, indefinite articles, and cover gender of nouns.

Español II: We will work with Gustar with more card activities. One will be a group grade and the other will be a class grade.

HW: Don't forget to study for the prueba mañana.

jueves: Bell ringer: Study for 10 minutes over 1-40 of 'En la Escuela'.

Español II: Estudien por diez minutos los Verbos Con Cambios.

Lesson: Quiz over this set of vocab!
Afterwards, we will go over the Definite and Indefinite Articles.
If time permits, we will then go over the grammar rules of Adjective Agreement.

Español II: La prueba de los Verbos Con Cambios.
Afterwards, we will do an activity using Gustar and getting to know fellow students.

Reminders: Make up for these quizzes will be 10/29 after school at 4:10pm. 

viernes: Bell ringer: Translate the following into español.

1. some offices
2. a few bathrooms
3. a lesson
4. an objective
5. some quizzes
6. a lunch
7. a few classmates
8. a place
9. a few gymnasiums
10. a history

Lesson: We will go over the answers. Then, we will try to go over Masculine versus Feminine reglas.

Español II: Notebook tests.

HW: Humor Friday if time permits.

Reminders: We will have a non-droppable summative next martes over all the information covered until that point:
* 'En la Escuela' Cultural notes.
* 'En la Escuela' vocab.
* Definite Articles
* Masculine versus Femenine
* Singular versus Plural
* Indefinite Articles
* Adjectives
* Adjective and Noun Agreement

Friday, October 18, 2013

el 18 de octubre del 2013

Bell ringer: Get out a piece of paper and rip it into quarter sized pieces. You'll see why:)

Español II: Vamos a terminar las traducciones de los verbos con cambios en las raíces.

Lesson: Today, we will play bingo with flashcards that contain pictures of classroom vocab. This will be played for peso points and a participation grade.!!

Español II: We will go over how to conjugate stem-changing verbs.

HW: Study for an upcoming quiz next week.

Reminders: Make-ups for this week's test is next martes after escuela.
"Pollito Chicken" songs start el martes.
Sub el lunes.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

el 17 de octubre del 2013

Bell ringer: We will practice the 'Pollito Chicken' song. Afterwards, we will look at the schedule to remind those folks doing the recitation on Monday.
Afterwards, we will change seats.

Español II: Hoy, vamos a repasar los verbos con cambios en los raíces. Necesitan los apuntes del vocabulario (sección dos) y gramática (sección tres).

Lesson: Today, you will cut and paste 20 different school vocab words (none repeated) onto a sheet of paper.
Then, you will number and label the pictures en español.
This is to be done with the new partner next to you.
This is for a grade.

Español II: Primero, uds. van a copiar los verbos en la sección del vocabulario.
Después, vamos a repasar las conjugaciones en la sección de gramática. 

Reminders: End of nine weeks next Friday.
Make-up days for test missed on Tuesday is 10/22 after school. Come at 4:05. Be prepared to wait. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October 16, 2013


Due to the modified schedule with only classes 4th-7th meeting because of the PSAT and 9th Grade Field Day, we watched videos.
We also practiced the "Pollito Chicken" song and reviewed the schedule for next week.

Reminders: 'Pollito Chicken' songs to be done next week. I will show the schedule everyday until it is over.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15, 2013

Bell Ringer: Get out a blue or black pen and any pesos had.

Lesson: Exam over 'El Calendario', 'Saludos y Despedidas', 'La Geografía', and the Importance of Knowing Spanish as announced last week.

Reminders: PSAT and 9th Grade Field Day tomorrow.

Monday, October 14, 2013

el 14 de octubre del 2013

Bell Ringer: Answer the following questions en español with frases completas. (Yes, you should write the questions.):

Español II:

1. ¿Qué día es hoy?
2. ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
3. ¿En qué mes estamos?
4. ¿En qué estación estamos?
5. ¿Cuántos años tienes?
6. ¿De dónde eres?
7. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
8. ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? (de verdad)

Lesson: We will practice the 'Pollito Chicken' song. Then we will sign up for times and dates of the performances.
Today, we will go over the PSAT schedule and any reminders that go along with that day if they have sent out the information.
After if time permits, we will review for the test.

HW: Study for the test mañana.

Reminders: PSAT on miércoles.

Friday, October 11, 2013

el 11 de octubre del 2013

Bell ringer: Copy "La Canción" from the board. We will go over this together as to what the words mean. We will practice this song. This will be for a summative. It must be memorized and sung. You will have a scheduled time for this the last week of the nine weeks. We will schedule the times on Monday. We will practice the song everyday until the week of performances.

Español II: Hoy, you have another bell ringer for the Irregular Yo Verbs. This will be done off the screen. With today's, you are to answer the questions versus translating them.

Lesson: After we do the bell ringer information, we will watch a Reggaeton rendition of it on YouTube.
We will translate those and any other words that were not done the days before.
We will then practice the pronunciation of all the words on the list.
We will then identify pictures on iPhoto of school vocab for a participation and grade and possibly extra credit.

Español II: We will go over the Bell ringer together to make sure you understand what it was saying along with correcting any errors committed when answering. If time permits, we will do humor Friday.

Reminders: Test next Tuesday (10/15) over 'El Calendario' and 'Saludos y Despedidas' vocab as well 'La Geografíá' and the reasons why you should know Spanish.
Test over everything that we have covered up until lunes (10/14).

HW: Study this weekend.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

October 10, 2013

Bell Ringer: Take out your spirals and open them to the vocabulary section (2).

Español II: Saquen sus apuntes y ábrenlos a la sección 4.

Lesson: We will now review the vocabulary to be used in this unit 'En La Escuela'.
We will go over little tricks to help you remember.
If time permits, we will practice with pictures.

Español II: Today, you have a lengthy bell ringer. Work individualmente. This could mean a bunch to you.
We will go over the answers at the end of the period.

HW: Study!

Reminders: Test next Tuesday.
PSAT next Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

el 9 de octubre del 2013

Bell Ringer: Get started quickly on the English translations.

Español II: Entreguen la tarea.

Lesson: Today, we will translate the vocabulary taken on Tuesday.
If you missed yesterday, today, you will have the opportunity to write down both.
However, I recommend that you only write the English and come after school for tutoring and copy the Spanish.
This should be done by the end of the period.

Español II: Hoy, vamos a repasar los verbos irregulares en la forma de 'yo'. This will be done on the computadora.

HW: none, study.

Reminders: Make-up quizzes for the quizzes taken last week over 'El Calendario' today after school.
The test that was supposed to be taken today has been postponed to next Tuesday over 'Importance of Spanish', Greetings and Goodbyes, Geography, and the Calendar notes.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

el 8 de octubre del 2013

Bell ringer: I was supposed to be out today. the trip was postponed and I will let you know of the future date.

Lesson: First, turn in the set of worksheets that were done over the calendar info such as months, days, date, and numbers with the sub last week and given to you yesterday.
Afterwards, you will have vocabulary to copy for the unit dealing with school. The list is titled "En la Escuela". We will do the Spanish only today to allow for people who may not write as fast.

Español II: First, turn in the set of worksheets that were done over the regular verbs with the sub last week and given to you yesterday.
Afterwards, since you were supposed to have a sub, we are going to do the worksheets that were left for today. Two are done by the end of the period. The other two can be taken for HW if needed.

HW: None. If you missed the quiz last week over 'El Calendario', the make-up is tomorrow after school, 10/9.

Monday, October 7, 2013

el 7 de octubre del 2013

Bell Ringer: Sub notes along with work completion.

Lesson: Today, after the notes have been read and we determine who has done what or not done what...papers will be passed back, explained, and time will be given to finish what was not done with the sub.

HW: Whatever was not done and turned in by the end of the class period will be due tomorrow to the sub at the beginning of the class.

Reminders: Sub tomorrow for I will be on a field trip.
Written Test on Wednesday.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

el 3&4 de octubre del 2013


Bell Ringer: For the next two days, as announced in class, you will have a substitute. Be on your best behavior and get your work done.

Lesson: Over the next two days, you will have a series of worksheets. Make sure you complete them by the end of the days they were assigned. THIS IS A MUST.

HW: None

Reminders: I will be back on Monday but out on Tuesday due to a field trip for the LA.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

el 2 de octubre del 2013

Bell Ringer: Study for cinco minutos for the quiz over the calendario notes.

Lesson: Today, we will take the quiz over the calendario notes.
Then, we will finish the lecture style notes in your cultural section of your spirals over Education in Latin America/Spanish America compared to that of the USA.
If time permits, since I will be out tomorrow and viernes, we will do a humor video or two.

Español II: Today, we will take the quiz over the calendario notes. 
Después, Uds. van a terminar conjugando los verbos regulares.

If time permits, since I will be out tomorrow and viernes, we will do a humor video or two.

HW: None, study!

Reminders: Projects were taken up yesterday and the quiz over the calendar notes will be taken today.
If you miss the quiz, the make-up will be next miércoles (el 9 de octubre) after school.Make plans to attend.
Also, do not forget that I will be out mañana y viernes. Make sure I get a great note.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

el primero de octubre del 2013

Bell Ringer: You will turn in your projects at the door as told yesterday.

Español II: Saquen Los Verbos Regulares de Ayer.

Lesson: First, after I take up the projects at the door, we will take a look at the ones turned in with no names said. For those who did not do the projects, I will send around the spiral.
We will then finish the cultural notes started yesterday about the differences between USA high schools and the Latin American ones.

Español II: Vamos a terminar con Los Verbos Regulares. 
Primero, vamos a traducirlos. 
Después, vamos a repasar las conjugaciones.

HW: Study for the quiz tomorrow.

Reminders: Quiz will be taken tomorrow.
If you were absent, the make-up for this will be Wednesday, 10/9, after school.
Projects were taken up today.