Friday, October 11, 2013

el 11 de octubre del 2013

Bell ringer: Copy "La Canción" from the board. We will go over this together as to what the words mean. We will practice this song. This will be for a summative. It must be memorized and sung. You will have a scheduled time for this the last week of the nine weeks. We will schedule the times on Monday. We will practice the song everyday until the week of performances.

Español II: Hoy, you have another bell ringer for the Irregular Yo Verbs. This will be done off the screen. With today's, you are to answer the questions versus translating them.

Lesson: After we do the bell ringer information, we will watch a Reggaeton rendition of it on YouTube.
We will translate those and any other words that were not done the days before.
We will then practice the pronunciation of all the words on the list.
We will then identify pictures on iPhoto of school vocab for a participation and grade and possibly extra credit.

Español II: We will go over the Bell ringer together to make sure you understand what it was saying along with correcting any errors committed when answering. If time permits, we will do humor Friday.

Reminders: Test next Tuesday (10/15) over 'El Calendario' and 'Saludos y Despedidas' vocab as well 'La Geografíá' and the reasons why you should know Spanish.
Test over everything that we have covered up until lunes (10/14).

HW: Study this weekend.

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